Reading the article and related comments that Randy posted below I got the impression that people view the Clydesdale class as the fat people class rather than a class for Giants. Unless I get lost in the desert for a few weeks I will likely never be under 200 pounds. The lowest I've weighed as an adult was 208 pounds. To be that low I didn't have much muscle up top.
I currently strain the scale at 234 pounds. Since I do silly things like 200 push ups a day for 10 days, or swing a 50 lb sandbag or 30 lb kettle bell around for exercise my weight isn't dropping all that fast. My goal as to be an all around athlete rather than strictly a runner so the strength training is important to me.
My fighting weight for the Santa Clarita Marathon is 220. Not sure I'll make it down that far but what can you do.
Workout for today. (Based on SEALfit.com's WOD: Case of the Mondays)
1 Mile Run (did an 8:12 Pace)
25 Pull Ups (huge struggle for this giant)
50 Push Ups
100 Squats
1 Mile Run (Pace dropped to 9:45)
25 Pull Ups (many barely counted)
50 Push Ups
100 Squats
1 Mile Run (10:20 Pace)
Then I chased that down with 10 box jumps and the run home.
Swimming 1.5 Miles in the morning. We'll see how tonight's jaunt effects that.
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